21. Slaying my body image demons: From in tears and complete mental breakdown to an ego death and massive personal growth
Do you ever get moments when you just feel so disappointed when you look at yourself in the mirror, picking apart your body. You try on multiple outfits, but feel so frustrated that nothing seems to fit, or you continue to tell yourself that you’ll be happy when you fit into those jeans sitting in the back of the cupboard? On those days your negative body image thoughts can become so overbearing, and it'll destroy your confidence and sense of self worth.
A few weeks ago aaaalllll these negative body image stories I used to have resurfaced altogether, all at once. I really thought this was a side of me that was behind me, but she came back in full force around my Birthday a few weeks ago.
In this episode I walk you through this extremely emotional and vulnerable moment, and the tools I used which led me on a journey of self discovery, and not only helped me move through it, but actually allowed me to have a massive breakthrough on the other side of it.
By the end of this episode, you too, will have the tools to move through these moments, and EVEN EXPERIENCE MASSIVE GROWTH FROM THEM ❤️😉
P.S. Applications for the next intake of the Fit & Free Academy are CLOSING ON FRIDAY 31/03/23. There are only 3 spots left for this intake. Click the link below for more info:
P.S.S Please review my podcast, as it really helps get it out to more women that need to hear this. Review here: