39. SKINNY-FAT SERIES: Signs it's time to build muscle and STOP losing weight

Episode 1 of the new SKINNY-FAT SERIES! 

Are you focusing on the wrong thing? So many of my clients come to me with the goal to lose the last few kilos so that they can tone up and finally be happy with what they look like...but here's the thing they often aren't aware of:

losing weight will NEVER result in toning up

...for many of them, the reason they feel as though they want to lose more weight is not actually because they are overweight, but because they have little to no muscle, so they can't see the definition they are actually after. What they actually need to be doing next to get them to where they wanna be is BUILD MUSCLE. Muscle DEFINES, and if you have been focusing on weight loss for a long period of time, there's a good chance you're in this cycle. And if that's YOU, then you NEED to listen to this episode, because you'll be able to figure out if you're ready to switch focus from losing weight to building muscle.

I'm also going to give you some science-backed tips to speed up  your muscle growth if you're ready to maximise your performance in the gym.


P.S. Please review my podcast, as it really helps get it out to more women that need to hear this. Review here: 


P.S.S. Plateaued with your weight loss? Wanna find out EXACTLY what you should be doing next to lose cm off your waist, of tone your glutes ONCE AND FOR ALL? Take this quiz:
