67. "Working off" and "earning" your food: what to do when food is the enemy, and exercise is a form of punishment

I'm willing to bet 80% (if not more!) of women have been here at SOME point:

Trying to use EXERCISE to compensate for food that they ate.

Maybe you're trying to stick to a certain calorie target, or maybe you're just trying to use the calories you're burning with exercise to put you in a further calorie deficit, so that you can see weight loss/fat loss results in your body faster.

In this episode I tell you WHY this is an INEFFECTIVE, and often even COUNTERPRODUCTIVE strategy, and dive into my story around coming to this realisation years ago. 

We'll go through the long-term health risks of not changing this mistake, and what you CAN do to see results faster instead 😉.

So if any of this resonates with you, come join me this week and give this one a listen!


P.S. Please review my podcast, as it really helps get it out to more women that need to hear this. Review here: 


P.S.S. No idea how much and what to eat to lose fat & build muscle? Wanna find out EXACTLY what you should be doing next to lose cm off your waist, and tone your body ONCE AND FOR ALL? Take this quiz:
